Thursday, April 5, 2012

Numbers and Lies

Stats rarely are a good measure how how a hitter is actually hitting, especially in small sample sizes.
Case in point. My current Friday night stats (in 3 games)

 5 for 6 (.833 avg.), 3 runs scored, 1 XBH,  1 RBI, 1.000 Slg %, 0 BB, 1.3 runs produced per game.

The numbers that jump out at me, compared to what I would call typical, are the low number of walks, runs and RBI's.

In 3 games I would expect my line to look more like this

4-6, 5 runs scored, 1 XBH, 3 RBI's, 2 BB

Still in the last few games the number have consistently improved and the power is coming back. I have been driving the ball better thanks to some minor mechanical adjustments. Now to just work on the fielding stats....

Onward and upward